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If you have a large project you’re undertaking and you would like some professional consulting from experts in the field, Dogs of Design Studios offers consulting services to get your project heading in a positive direction.

Benefits of Consulting Services

  • Developing a Plan of Action to implement your project
  • Estimating the return on investment (ROI) for your implementation
  • Research of competitive rates for the completion of your project
  • Education of current industry standards, benefits, and pitfalls

List of Consulting Services

  • Art Direction Consulting
  • Brand Identity Consulting
  • Content Management Systems (CMS) Consulting
  • Internet Marketing Consulting
  • Marketing Consulting
  • Research Consulting
  • Search Engine Marketing Consulting
  • Search Engine Optimization Consulting
  • Social Media Development Consulting
  • Social Media Marketing Consulting
  • Web Development Consulting
  • Web Site Design Consulting


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